
Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I haven't written in a few days because I'm too sick... I'll get to it soon!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Poetry Assignment 3/2/2014

This week's assignment was about things I remember. It could cover any time in my life, dream, reality, whatever. As long as every line began with "I remember". It didn't have to rhyme or flow well, but I did the best I could with both of those anyways. Here ya go.

I Remember

I remember long walks in the evening, with lilacs in full bloom
I remember the smell of kindergarten, tempera paint all over the room
I remember that mom loves white heart candies at Valentine’s Day; she gets them every year
I remember making gifts by hand, their recipients grinning ear to ear

I remember the first boy I kissed. We’re still friends to this day
I remember the first girl I kissed. We don’t talk, but it’s better that way
I remember the handwriting of all my friends, in second grade, fifth grade, ninth
I remember the names and faces of all of my teachers, even the ones I didn’t like

I remember my first Potter books; he’s a part of me that will never die
I remember my first Disneyland trip; I was twenty years old and I cried
I remember my first library book; many followed as I got older
I remember when my books fit in one bag, and now I’m a book hoarder

I remember when I was pregnant; I grew bigger every day
I remember when he was a newborn, and how I’d hoped he’d stay that way
I remember the little things; his freckles, his smile, his touch, his frown

I remember as much as I can, as long as I write it down

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