I was told to list 45-60 words that resonate with m; words I can say with conviction and feel in my heart. Then I needed to take at least seven of those words and write sentences with them, showing what they mean to me and how I relate to them. After that, I needed to write a few lines of poetry using one or more of those sentences or ideas. Poetry is not my thing, but I'm working at it slowly.
List of words:
books coffee read peaceful alone learning teaching growing motherhood laughter closeness family
holiday longing writing together surrounded chaos beautiful wonderful memories happy mountains love
life time changes crazy habits anxiety summer daydream childhood energy husband musical tired
distractions marriage words friend delight bookshelves pages trust comfort nature remember
knowledge introvert
Seven words and sentences:
1) The pages of my books are what an oversized sweater would be to most people—they keep me
warm, they keep me safe, and they give me the comfort that no human interaction could ever satisfy.
2) I can talk to customer after customer at work without a problem, but the anxiety that overcomes me
every time my phone rings is crippling and sickening.
3) Motherhood is a lifestyle, not a curse; it is a blessing, not a job.
4) I wish coffee gave me as much energy as a three minute nap gives my son.
5) I’m tired of being so tired; I can sleep for 12 hours and feel like I never went to bed.
6) As an introvert, I don’t crave human interaction; but that doesn’t mean that I like to be alone.
7) My family are my friends, and my friends are my family; genetics don’t mean anything when it comes
to the people you love.
Lines of poetry:
The pages of my books are what an oversized sweater
Would be to most people—
They keep me warm
They keep me safe
They give me the comfort that no human interaction could ever satisfy
I treasure the written word
As if it were so delicate that one day
It might just disappear